Advantage U. Educational Consulting Services
FREE Senior Planning Session Fall 2021 (virtual)
Class of 2022!
If you are a current high school senior graduating in 2022 then NOW is the time to start thinking about your college applications and college process.
Advantage U. Educational Consulting services will be offering a FREE webinar focused on helping seniors getr focused and organized with the college application process.
Areas to be covered:
- identifying teachers for a letter of recommendation.
- identifying a college essay topic that works for your application.
- starting your college applications.
- tracking all your work and college deadlines.
- applying for financial aid (when and how).
- searching for scholarships.
- visiting colleges (virtually and in person).
Families that attend will be offered at 15% discount on the following individual services should a family decide they need more assistance with the process:
College Essay (includes: brainstorming a topic, identifying a prompt and two edits).
College List Development (includes: 2 sessions which will help develop a college list of viable schools for a student based upon major and academics).
Full year packages are also available for students and families seeking support for the entire process from applying to identifying the right school.
Feel free to sign up and an email will be sent to you with next steps a week prior to the session.
We look forward to seeing you then!
Sign up here: